Joanne Bischof's Be Still My Soul seems at first a drama or an unlikely romance, but it deals with something far greater than that: a romance with God and finding a home not in a place but with a loved one. In the story, Bischof draws the reader first into Lonnie Sawyer's life and paints a grim picture of what she has endured and what she will continue to endure with her distant hope coming from her loving aunt, then Bischof draws the reader with Lonnie into a new and unexpected life with Gideon O'Riley. Though Lonnie is the protagonist of this tale, it is very much about her giving him the opportunity to grow from an attractive boy into a loving man. The question seen throughout the piece is whether or not Gideon will take that opportunity and grow up.
Throughout the tale, Gideon shows good points that point to a good heart but he also seems to cling to being self centered and self pleasing. He's angry that he's stuck with Lonnie and that it is really his fault they are both stuck, and that makes him more angry. The beginning and end of this tale, while painful, read extremely well; however, somewhere in the middle it slows and became difficult to push through. With the addition of a new character named Jebediah and his wife, the story picks up again and carries through despite emotional trauma. There are moments that are sad and might be too much for some women who have lost much in their life, but it is a beautiful tale and inspires the reader to lean on God as well, since Lonnie does it as she goes through so much.
After reading the Advance Reading Copy of this book Be Still My Soul by Joanne Bishcof, provided by Multnomah publishing, it is impossible not to recommend this book with the small qualification that a few chapters get slow in the middle, but it is well worth the read. So, read on, reader, let your soul be still, and enjoy.
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